Exclusive interview with Natasha Slayton, previous G.R.L member and now solo star.

Natasha Slayton broke into the music industry with multi-platinum selling girl group, G.R.L. She decided to go solo after finding so much success and the temporary break-up of the group and just released her single, Love Me Like Me. We had a chance to chat with the superstar on her debut single and G.R.L. reunion! Read below:
With going solo, what are some positive and negative things you have endured?
"Like anything, there are pros and cons of being solo and also of being in a group. Going solo means carrying the weight all by yourself and having all of the responsibility rely on you. Especially as an independent artist, you have so many roles to fill. But there’s also a freedom and sense of control. All of the major decisions are in my hands, and I can steer my own ship. I naturally like to take the lead, so as scary as it is, it’s also exciting. With the group, I had the tendency to hide, and now I’m stretching my comfort level and revealing so much more of myself. I definitely miss having the girls around to laugh and experience everything with, but they’re only a call or text away."
We love your debut solo single, “Love Me, Like Me.” What was the inspiration behind that song?
"Thank you so much! That means the world to me. I’ve been through a lot of dark times, and as my first official solo release, I really wanted to write a song that was reflective of everything I’ve gone through but also reflective of the way I’ve overcome. “Love Me Like Me” is a huge testament to my healing journey and to the realization that all the answers we’re looking for can be found within.
There’s no limit to what we can overcome, and we all have the power to heal.
I’ve found that the work is in the shedding of external false layers and fleeting coping mechanisms that produce false highs. Once we’re able to feel the hurt and stop anesthetizing ourselves with life’s temptations and distractions, the real healing and self-love can begin. The work can be painful, but no one can do it for you, and the light that lies at the other end is beyond miraculous."

You have been through a lot in your life. What have you learned through your trials and tribulations and how have they made you the artist you are today?
"I feel like every hardship has been a gift in some way or another. I’ve honestly learned so much, but I think the biggest lesson for me has been figuring out that there is beauty in the broken pieces. I’ve acquired so many tools for picking up those pieces, and now I have the incredible gift of being able to share all of that with the world through my music."
We are so excited to hear you are reuniting with some of G.R.L! What can fans expect?
"I’m so excited as well! We’re still trying to decide what the best timing will be for us to do a reunion, but we’ve recorded some really great songs and are very excited to share them with the fans when the time is right. We’re also eager to get back out and perform!"
Will you still continue your solo career while also reuniting with G.R.L.?
"Yes absolutely! GRL satiates a different part of my spirit than my solo music and vice versa, but both hold special places in my heart."
What made you decide to go to school for medicine? How do you handle being a med student and a successful musician?
"I’ve always been passionate about holistic medicine and natural modalities of healing. I’ve also always wanted to go back to school! I honestly wish I could pause time so that I could focus on everything 1000%, but at the same time, having so much on my plate has lit an even bigger fire underneath me, and I feel more motivated than ever!"
Do you have anything coming up that you can share with us and our readers?
"I’m working as hard as I can to get more solo music out, and I’m also working on some video content to go along with it. I’m trying to get better at sharing more of myself, but it’s a constant work in progress! I definitely need to keep reminding myself about the message of “Love Me Like Me” and continue to live and breathe those words on a daily basis. Stay tuned for more of this girl right here cuz she’s not goin’ anywhere! 💃🏻💪💓"
For more on Slayton and KB Pop Culture follow us on social media, @KBPopCulture.
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