Ellen DeGeneres' brother, Vance DeGeneres, is supporting his famous sister by speaking out against allegations of unfit workplace conditions on the set of her talkshow.

With rumors and allegations flying against the daytime talk show host's toxic workplace, Ellen's brother Vance has her back. Vance, a movie producer, tweeted support for his famous sibling on Tues. Aug 4.
"If you think Ellen would knowingly allow bullying or racism on her show, you don't know my sister," he tweeted. "She has been and continues to be a bright light in a dark world. She's one of the kindest, most generous people you'll ever meet. And one of the funniest."
But he didn't stop there. After tweeting, he went to Facebook to show his support for her: "Ok, I need to say something. My sister is being viciously attacked. And let me assure you—it is all bulls--t." He further continued, "I put up a simple statement yesterday that said 'I stand by Ellen.' Only a handful of my Facebook 'friends' responded to it. If you don't support Ellen, then you don't support me, so please unfriend me. I'm sick and tired of my sister being attacked. She always has—and always will—stand against bullying of any kind. She's a smart, strong woman who has made a positive difference in the world. And to my friends who did respond with support for Ellen and my family, thank you so much. It means a lot."

In case you missed it, many allegations are being reported from former employees about the toxic work environment, even sharing on alleged rule that they were not allowed to talk to the talk show if they saw her. Accusations of sexual harassment from producers and others were reported as well. Although not all allegations were made against Ellen specifically, she released a statement in a letter to her staff:
"On day one of our show, I told everyone in our first meeting that The Ellen DeGeneres Show would be a place of happiness—no one would ever raise their voice, and everyone would be treated with respect. Obviously, something changed, and I am disappointed to learn that this has not been the case. And for that, I am sorry. Anyone who knows me knows it's the opposite of what I believe and what I hoped for our show."
The star also took ultimate ownership, stating, "My name is on the show and everything we do and I take responsibility for that."
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Sources: Eonline.com, BuzzFeed News