Celebrities are just like us... they LOVE Halloween candy! But what are your favorite celebrities' favorite candies?

Kristen Bell - Reeses
I wonder if she likes them "Frozen"....

Tyson Beckford - KitKats
How do you keep a 6-pack like that while eating kitkats? Asking for a friend.

Chrissy Teigen - Tootsie Rolls or Smarties (sometimes it's hard to pick just one!)
Do you think she shares with John Legend (or her kids)?

Kerry Washington - Candy Corn
Some love it, and some hate it, but this Scandal star loves it!

Bethenny Frankel - Snickers
Can we get a Skinnygirl cocktail in this flavor please?

Zendaya - Snickers
The best celebrity loves the best candy bar!

Katy Perry - Juicy Pear Jelly Belly Jelly Beans
Oddly specific, but good luck saying that 10x fast...

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